A MathMLの処理
Parsing MathML

概要: 数学用マークアップ言語 (MathML) ヴァージョン 3.0 第2版
Overview: Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0 2nd Edition
前へ: 7 文字, 実体, 書式
Previous: 7 Characters, Entities and Fonts
次へ: B メディアタイプの登録
Next: B Media Types Registrations

A MathMLの処理
Parsing MathML
    A.1 整形式のXMLとしてのMathMLの利用
    Use of MathML as Well-Formed XML
    A.2 MathML3に対するRelaxNGスキーマの利用
    Using the RelaxNG Schema for MathML3
        A.2.1 完全なMathML
        Full MathML
        A.2.2 プレゼンテーションMathMLとコンテントMathMLに共通の要素
        Elements Common to Presentation and Content MathML
        A.2.3 プレゼンテーションMathMLの文法
        The Grammar for Presentation MathML
        A.2.4 厳格なコンテントMathMLの文法
        The Grammar for Strict Content MathML3
        A.2.5 コンテントMathMLの文法
        The Grammar for Content MathML
        A.2.6 RelaxNGスキーマにおける部品としてのMathML
        MathML as a module in a RelaxNG Schema
    A.3 MathML DTDの利用
    Using the MathML DTD
        A.3.1 文書の有効性の問題
        Document Validation Issues
        A.3.2 MathML DTDでの属性値
        Attribute values in the MathML DTD
        A.3.3 MathMLのDOCTYPE宣言
        DOCTYPE declaration for MathML
    A.4 MathML XMLスキーマの利用
    Using the MathML XML Schema
        A.4.1 MathMLデータにMathMLスキーマを結び付ける
        Associating the MathML schema with MathML fragments
    A.5 XHTMLでのMathMLの処理
    Parsing MathML in XHTML
    A.6 HTMLでのMathMLの処理
    Parsing MathML in HTML

A.1 整形式のXMLとしてのMathMLの利用
Use of MathML as Well-Formed XML

MathML文書は, この仕様書で定義されたMathML名前空間の要素を使用する整形式のXML文書でなければなりませんが, その文書がMathMLを特定する何らかの文書型宣言(DTD)またはスキーマを参照する必要はありません. そのような言語を定義しているファイルは大きく, しばしばMathMLの式よりとても大きいので, 前もってMathMLソフトウェアによってそれらのファイルが準備されていない限り, それらの定義を指定しない方が有利な場合があります. DTDまたはスキーマを引き出すのに要する時間は, MathML文書の処理においてかなり大きい影響を持っているでしょう.

A MathML document must be a well-formed XML document using elements in the MathML namespace as defined by this specification, however it is not required that the document refer to any specific Document Type Definition (DTD) or schema that specifies MathML. It is sometimes advantageous not to specify such a language definition as these files are large, often much larger than the MathML expression and unless they have been previously cached by the MathML application, the time taken to fetch the DTD or schema may have an appreciable effect on the processing of the MathML document.

DTDがDOCTYPE宣言で指定されていない場合, 実体参照(例えば, 名前でMathML文字を参照するもの)は利用できないだろうことに注意して下さい. その文書は, 全ての文字を文字データとしてコード化できる文字コード(例えば, UTF-8)でコード化されるべきです. もしくは, 文字は, 例えば∫ではなく∫といった具合に, 数値文字参照を利用して参照されるでしょう.

Note that if no DTD is specified with a DOCTYPE declaration, that entity references (for example to refer to MathML characters by name) may not be used. The document should be encoded in an encoding (for example UTF-8) in which all needed characters may be encoded as character data, or characters may be referenced using numeric character references, for example ∫ rather than ∫

MathMLデータがDTD無しで処理される場合, 言い換えれば整形式のXMLデータとして処理される場合, 素子要素の外側に現れた空白文字を意味の無いものとして扱うことは, 処理ソフトウェアの責務です.

If a MathML fragment is parsed without a DTD, in other words as a well-formed XML fragment, it is the responsibility of the processing application to treat the white space characters occurring outside of token elements as not significant.

しかしながら, 多くの状況で, 特にMathMLを提供したり編集したりする際に, 編集処理を拘束したり, 生成されたファイルの正確さを確認したりするための, 言語の定義を利用することが便利です. 次の節, 第A.2節 MathML3のためのRelaxNGスキーマの利用は, 仕様書の標準の部分を形作っている, MathML3のためのRelaxNGスキーマ[RELAX-NG]について論じています. 続く第A.3節 MathML DTDの利用第A.4節 MathML XMLスキーマの利用は, 両方とも標準のRelaxNGスキーマから自動的に変換された文書型宣言(DTD)やW3C XMLスキーマ言語[XMLスキーマ]を用いた代わりの言語の定義について論じています. 言語のスキーマによる定義は, DTD版によるより正確に厳密であることに注意すべきです. すなわち, スキーマ検証処理プログラムは, (DTDによる)XML検証処理プログラムで有効と宣言された文書を無効であるとすることあります. このことは, ある程度は, XMLスキーマ言語がDTDでは表現できない追加の制約を表現できることによるものです. また, このことは, ある程度は, 従来のものとの互換性の理由から, DTDが故意に場所によって免除したり, この仕様書の文書で指定した制約を強制しなかったりすることによるものです.

However, in many circumstances, especially while producing or editing MathML, it is useful to use a language definition to constrain the editing process or to check the correctness of generated files. The following section, Section A.2 Using the RelaxNG Schema for MathML3, discusses the RelaxNG Schema for MathML3 [RELAX-NG], which forms a normative part of the specification. Following that, Section A.4 Using the MathML XML Schema, and Section A.3 Using the MathML DTD discuss alternative languages definition using the document type definitions (DTD) and the W3C XML schema language, [XMLSchemas], both of which are derived from the normative RelaxNG schema automatically. One should note that the schema definitions of the language is currently stricter than the DTD version. That is, a schema validating processor will declare invalid documents that are declared valid by a (DTD) validating XML parser. This is partly due to the fact that the XML schema language may express additional constraints not expressable in the DTD, and partly due to the fact that for reasons of compatibility with earlier releases, the DTD is intentionally forgiving in some places and does not enforce constraints that are specified in the text of this specification.

A.2 MathML3に対するRelaxNGスキーマの利用
Using the RelaxNG Schema for MathML3

MathML文書は, MathMLに対するRelaxNGスキーマ, XMLでコード化されたもの(http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3.rng)または下で示す軽量な表現(http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3.rnc)のどちらかを用いて検証されるべきです.

MathML documents should be validated using the RelaxNG Schema for MathML, either in the XML encoding (http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3.rng) or in compact notation (http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3.rnc) which is also shown below.

DTDとは対照的に, 文書にRelaxNGスキーマを結び付ける, 文書内に表記する方法はありません.

In contrast to DTDs there is no in-document method to associate a RelaxNG schema with a document.

5つの分野で, MathML3に対する5つのRelaxNGスキーマを提供します.

We provide five RelaxNG schema for MathML3 in five parts:

A.2.1 完全なMathML
Full MathML

完全なMathMLのRelaxNGスキーマは, 続く節で示す, 言語の様々な部分を説明するスキーマから形成されています. http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3.rncで見ることができます.

The RelaxNG schema for full MathML builds on the schema describing the various parts of the language which are given in the following sections. It can be found at http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3.rnc.

#     This is the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 3.0, an XML
#     application for describing mathematical notation and capturing
#     both its structure and content.
(注釈:これは数学用マークアップ言語(MathML) 3.0, 数学表記を説明し,
#     Copyright 1998-2010 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio)
#     Use and distribution of this code are permitted under the terms
#     W3C Software Notice and License
(注釈:このコードの利用や配布は, W3Cのソフトウェア告示とライセンスの下で許可されます.)
#     http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231

default namespace m = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"

## Content  MathML
include "mathml3-content.rnc" 

## Presentation MathML
include "mathml3-presentation.rnc"

## math and semantics common to both Content and Presentation
include "mathml3-common.rnc"

A.2.2 プレゼンテーションMathMLとコンテントMathMLに共通の要素
Elements Common to Presentation and Content MathML

#     This is the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 3.0, an XML
#     application for describing mathematical notation and capturing
#     both its structure and content.
(注釈:これは数学用マークアップ言語(MathML) 3.0, 数学表記を説明し,
#     Copyright 1998-2014 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang)
#     Use and distribution of this code are permitted under the terms
#     W3C Software Notice and License
(注釈:このコードの利用や配布は, W3Cのソフトウェア告示とライセンスの下で許可されます.)
#     http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231

default namespace m = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"
namespace local = ""

start = math

math = element math {math.attributes,MathExpression*}
MathExpression = semantics

NonMathMLAtt = attribute (* - (local:*|m:*)) {xsd:string} 

CommonDeprecatedAtt = attribute other {text}?

CommonAtt = attribute id {xsd:ID}?,
            attribute xref {text}?,
            attribute class {xsd:NMTOKENS}?,
            attribute style {xsd:string}?,
            attribute href {xsd:anyURI}?,

math.attributes = CommonAtt,
               attribute display {"block" | "inline"}?,
               attribute maxwidth {length}?,
               attribute overflow {"linebreak" | "scroll" | "elide" | "truncate" | "scale"}?,
               attribute altimg {xsd:anyURI}?,
               attribute altimg-width {length}?,
               attribute altimg-height {length}?,
               attribute altimg-valign {length | "top" | "middle" | "bottom"}?,
               attribute alttext {text}?,
               attribute cdgroup {xsd:anyURI}?,

# the mathml3-presentation schema  adds additional attributes
# to the math element, all those valid on mstyle
(注釈:mathml3-presentationスキーマが, 追加の属性をmath要素に加えます. これらは全てmstyleで有効.)

math.deprecatedattributes = attribute mode {xsd:string}?,
                            attribute macros {xsd:string}?

name = attribute name {xsd:NCName}
cd = attribute cd {xsd:NCName}

src = attribute src {xsd:anyURI}?

annotation = element annotation {annotation.attributes,text}
annotation-xml.model = (MathExpression|anyElement)*

anyElement =  element (* - m:*) {(attribute * {text}|text| anyElement)*}

annotation-xml = element annotation-xml {annotation.attributes,
annotation.attributes = CommonAtt,

DefEncAtt = attribute encoding {xsd:string}?,
            attribute definitionURL {xsd:anyURI}?

semantics = element semantics {semantics.attributes,
semantics.attributes = CommonAtt,DefEncAtt,cd?,name?

# wrapped for display
 = xsd:string {
  pattern = '\s*((-?[0-9]*([0-9]\.?|\.[0-9])[0-9]*(e[mx]|in|cm|mm|p[xtc]|%)?)|(negative)?((very){0,2}thi(n|

A.2.3 プレゼンテーションMathMLの文法
The Grammar for Presentation MathML

#     This is the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 3.0, an XML
#     application for describing mathematical notation and capturing
#     both its structure and content.
(注釈:これは数学用マークアップ言語(MathML) 3.0, 数学表記を説明し,
#     Copyright 1998-2014 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang)
#     Use and distribution of this code are permitted under the terms
#     W3C Software Notice and License
(注釈:このコードの利用や配布は, W3Cのソフトウェア告示とライセンスの下で許可されます.)
#     http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231

default namespace m = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"

MathExpression |= PresentationExpression

ImpliedMrow = MathExpression*

TableRowExpression = mtr|mlabeledtr

TableCellExpression = mtd

MstackExpression = MathExpression|mscarries|msline|msrow|msgroup

MsrowExpression = MathExpression|none

MultiScriptExpression = (MathExpression|none),(MathExpression|none)

# wrapped for display
 = xsd:string {
  pattern = '\s*([\+\-]?[0-9]*([0-9]\.?|\.[0-9])[0-9]*\s*((%?\s*(height|depth|width)?)|
         e[mx]|in|cm|mm|p[xtc]|((negative)?((very){0,2}thi(n|ck)|medium)mathspace))?)\s*' }

linestyle = "none" | "solid" | "dashed"

verticalalign =
      "top" |
      "bottom" |
      "center" |
      "baseline" |

columnalignstyle = "left" | "center" | "right"

notationstyle =
     "longdiv" |
     "actuarial" |
     "radical" |
     "box" |
     "roundedbox" |
     "circle" |
     "left" |
     "right" |
     "top" |
     "bottom" |
     "updiagonalstrike" |
     "downdiagonalstrike" |
     "verticalstrike" |
     "horizontalstrike" |

idref = text
unsigned-integer = xsd:unsignedLong
integer = xsd:integer
number = xsd:decimal

character = xsd:string {
  pattern = '\s*\S\s*'}

# wrapped for display
 =  xsd:string {
  pattern = '\s*((#[0-9a-fA-F]{3}([0-9a-fA-F]{3})?)|[aA][qQ][uU][aA]|[bB][lL][aA][cC][kK]|

group-alignment = "left" | "center" | "right" | "decimalpoint"
group-alignment-list = list {group-alignment+}
group-alignment-list-list = xsd:string {
  pattern = '(\s*\{\s*(left|center|right|decimalpoint)(\s+(left|center|right|decimalpoint))*\})*\s*' }
positive-integer = xsd:positiveInteger

TokenExpression = mi|mn|mo|mtext|mspace|ms

token.content = mglyph|malignmark|text

mi = element mi {mi.attributes, token.content*}
mi.attributes = 

mn = element mn {mn.attributes, token.content*}
mn.attributes = 

mo = element mo {mo.attributes, token.content*}
mo.attributes = 
  attribute form {"prefix" | "infix" | "postfix"}?,
  attribute fence {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute separator {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute lspace {length}?,
  attribute rspace {length}?,
  attribute stretchy {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute symmetric {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute maxsize {length | "infinity"}?,
  attribute minsize {length}?,
  attribute largeop {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute movablelimits {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute accent {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute linebreak {"auto" | "newline" | "nobreak" | "goodbreak" | "badbreak"}?,
  attribute lineleading {length}?,
  attribute linebreakstyle {"before" | "after" | "duplicate" | "infixlinebreakstyle"}?,
  attribute linebreakmultchar {text}?,
  attribute indentalign {"left" | "center" | "right" | "auto" | "id"}?,
  attribute indentshift {length}?,
  attribute indenttarget {idref}?,
  attribute indentalignfirst {"left" | "center" | "right" | "auto" | "id" | "indentalign"}?,
  attribute indentshiftfirst {length | "indentshift"}?,
  attribute indentalignlast {"left" | "center" | "right" | "auto" | "id" | "indentalign"}?,
  attribute indentshiftlast {length | "indentshift"}?

mtext = element mtext {mtext.attributes, token.content*}
mtext.attributes = 

mspace = element mspace {mspace.attributes, empty}
mspace.attributes = 
  attribute width {length}?,
  attribute height {length}?,
  attribute depth {length}?,
  attribute linebreak {"auto" | "newline" | "nobreak" | "goodbreak" | "badbreak" | "indentingnewline"}?,
  attribute indentalign {"left" | "center" | "right" | "auto" | "id"}?,
  attribute indentshift {length}?,
  attribute indenttarget {idref}?,
  attribute indentalignfirst {"left" | "center" | "right" | "auto" | "id" | "indentalign"}?,
  attribute indentshiftfirst {length | "indentshift"}?,
  attribute indentalignlast {"left" | "center" | "right" | "auto" | "id" | "indentalign"}?,
  attribute indentshiftlast {length | "indentshift"}?

ms = element ms {ms.attributes, token.content*}
ms.attributes = 
  attribute lquote {text}?,
  attribute rquote {text}?

mglyph = element mglyph {mglyph.attributes,mglyph.deprecatedattributes,empty}
mglyph.attributes = 
  CommonAtt,  CommonPresAtt,
  attribute src {xsd:anyURI}?,
  attribute width {length}?,
  attribute height {length}?,
  attribute valign {length}?,
  attribute alt {text}?
mglyph.deprecatedattributes =
  attribute index {integer}?,
  attribute mathvariant {"normal" | "bold" | "italic" | "bold-italic" | "double-struck" | "bold-fraktur" |
          "script" | "bold-script" | "fraktur" | "sans-serif" | "bold-sans-serif" | "sans-serif-italic" |
          "sans-serif-bold-italic" | "monospace" | "initial" | "tailed" | "looped" | "stretched"}?,
  attribute mathsize {"small" | "normal" | "big" | length}?,

msline = element msline {msline.attributes,empty}
msline.attributes = 
  CommonAtt,  CommonPresAtt,
  attribute position {integer}?,
  attribute length {unsigned-integer}?,
  attribute leftoverhang {length}?,
  attribute rightoverhang {length}?,
  attribute mslinethickness {length | "thin" | "medium" | "thick"}?

none = element none {none.attributes,empty}
none.attributes = 

mprescripts = element mprescripts {mprescripts.attributes,empty}
mprescripts.attributes = 

CommonPresAtt = 
  attribute mathcolor {color}?,
  attribute mathbackground {color | "transparent"}?

TokenAtt = 
  attribute mathvariant {"normal" | "bold" | "italic" | "bold-italic" | "double-struck" | "bold-fraktur" |
          "script" | "bold-script" | "fraktur" | "sans-serif" | "bold-sans-serif" | "sans-serif-italic" |
          "sans-serif-bold-italic" | "monospace" | "initial" | "tailed" | "looped" | "stretched"}?,
  attribute mathsize {"small" | "normal" | "big" | length}?,
  attribute dir {"ltr" | "rtl"}?,

DeprecatedTokenAtt = 
  attribute fontfamily {text}?,
  attribute fontweight {"normal" | "bold"}?,
  attribute fontstyle {"normal" | "italic"}?,
  attribute fontsize {length}?,
  attribute color {color}?,
  attribute background {color | "transparent"}?

MalignExpression = maligngroup|malignmark

malignmark = element malignmark {malignmark.attributes, empty}
malignmark.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute edge {"left" | "right"}?

maligngroup = element maligngroup {maligngroup.attributes, empty}
maligngroup.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute groupalign {"left" | "center" | "right" | "decimalpoint"}?

PresentationExpression = TokenExpression|MalignExpression|

mrow = element mrow {mrow.attributes, MathExpression*}
mrow.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute dir {"ltr" | "rtl"}?

mfrac = element mfrac {mfrac.attributes, MathExpression, MathExpression}
mfrac.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute linethickness {length | "thin" | "medium" | "thick"}?,
  attribute numalign {"left" | "center" | "right"}?,
  attribute denomalign {"left" | "center" | "right"}?,
  attribute bevelled {"true" | "false"}?

msqrt = element msqrt {msqrt.attributes, ImpliedMrow}
msqrt.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt

mroot = element mroot {mroot.attributes, MathExpression, MathExpression}
mroot.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt

mstyle = element mstyle {mstyle.attributes, ImpliedMrow}
mstyle.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,

mstyle.specificattributes =
  attribute scriptlevel {integer}?,
  attribute displaystyle {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute scriptsizemultiplier {number}?,
  attribute scriptminsize {length}?,
  attribute infixlinebreakstyle {"before" | "after" | "duplicate"}?,
  attribute decimalpoint {character}?

mstyle.generalattributes =
  attribute accent {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute accentunder {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute align {"left" | "right" | "center"}?,
  attribute alignmentscope {list {("true" | "false") +}}?,
  attribute bevelled {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute charalign {"left" | "center" | "right"}?,
  attribute charspacing {length | "loose" | "medium" | "tight"}?,
  attribute close {text}?,
  attribute columnalign {list {columnalignstyle+} }?,
  attribute columnlines {list {linestyle +}}?,
  attribute columnspacing {list {(length) +}}?,
  attribute columnspan {positive-integer}?,
  attribute columnwidth {list {("auto" | length | "fit") +}}?,
  attribute crossout {list {("none" | "updiagonalstrike" | "downdiagonalstrike" | "verticalstrike" | "horizontalstrike")*}}?,
  attribute denomalign {"left" | "center" | "right"}?,
  attribute depth {length}?,
  attribute dir {"ltr" | "rtl"}?,
  attribute edge {"left" | "right"}?,
  attribute equalcolumns {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute equalrows {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute fence {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute form {"prefix" | "infix" | "postfix"}?,
  attribute frame {linestyle}?,
  attribute framespacing {list {length, length}}?,
  attribute groupalign {group-alignment-list-list}?,
  attribute height {length}?,
  attribute indentalign {"left" | "center" | "right" | "auto" | "id"}?,
  attribute indentalignfirst {"left" | "center" | "right" | "auto" | "id" | "indentalign"}?,
  attribute indentalignlast {"left" | "center" | "right" | "auto" | "id" | "indentalign"}?,
  attribute indentshift {length}?,
  attribute indentshiftfirst {length | "indentshift"}?,
  attribute indentshiftlast {length | "indentshift"}?,
  attribute indenttarget {idref}?,
  attribute largeop {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute leftoverhang {length}?,
  attribute length {unsigned-integer}?,
  attribute linebreak {"auto" | "newline" | "nobreak" | "goodbreak" | "badbreak"}?,
  attribute linebreakmultchar {text}?,
  attribute linebreakstyle {"before" | "after" | "duplicate" | "infixlinebreakstyle"}?,
  attribute lineleading {length}?,
  attribute linethickness {length | "thin" | "medium" | "thick"}?,
  attribute location {"w" | "nw" | "n" | "ne" | "e" | "se" | "s" | "sw"}?,
  attribute longdivstyle {"lefttop" | "stackedrightright" | "mediumstackedrightright" | "shortstackedrightright" |
          "righttop" | "left/\right" | "left)(right" | ":right=right" | "stackedleftleft" |
  attribute lquote {text}?,
  attribute lspace {length}?,
  attribute mathsize {"small" | "normal" | "big" | length}?,
  attribute mathvariant {"normal" | "bold" | "italic" | "bold-italic" | "double-struck" | "bold-fraktur" |
          "script" | "bold-script" | "fraktur" | "sans-serif" | "bold-sans-serif" | "sans-serif-italic" |
          "sans-serif-bold-italic" | "monospace" | "initial" | "tailed" | "looped" | "stretched"}?,
  attribute maxsize {length | "infinity"}?,
  attribute minlabelspacing {length}?,
  attribute minsize {length}?,
  attribute movablelimits {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute mslinethickness {length | "thin" | "medium" | "thick"}?,
  attribute notation {text}?,
  attribute numalign {"left" | "center" | "right"}?,
  attribute open {text}?,
  attribute position {integer}?,
  attribute rightoverhang {length}?,
  attribute rowalign {list {verticalalign+} }?,
  attribute rowlines {list {linestyle +}}?,
  attribute rowspacing {list {(length) +}}?,
  attribute rowspan {positive-integer}?,
  attribute rquote {text}?,
  attribute rspace {length}?,
  attribute selection {positive-integer}?,
  attribute separator {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute separators {text}?,
  attribute shift {integer}?,
  attribute side {"left" | "right" | "leftoverlap" | "rightoverlap"}?,
  attribute stackalign {"left" | "center" | "right" | "decimalpoint"}?,
  attribute stretchy {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute subscriptshift {length}?,
  attribute superscriptshift {length}?,
  attribute symmetric {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute valign {length}?,
  attribute width {length}?

mstyle.deprecatedattributes =
  attribute veryverythinmathspace {length}?,
  attribute verythinmathspace {length}?,
  attribute thinmathspace {length}?,
  attribute mediummathspace {length}?,
  attribute thickmathspace {length}?,
  attribute verythickmathspace {length}?,
  attribute veryverythickmathspace {length}?

math.attributes &= CommonPresAtt
math.attributes &= mstyle.specificattributes
math.attributes &= mstyle.generalattributes

merror = element merror {merror.attributes, ImpliedMrow}
merror.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt

mpadded = element mpadded {mpadded.attributes, ImpliedMrow}
mpadded.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute height {mpadded-length}?,
  attribute depth {mpadded-length}?,
  attribute width {mpadded-length}?,
  attribute lspace {mpadded-length}?,
  attribute voffset {mpadded-length}?

mphantom = element mphantom {mphantom.attributes, ImpliedMrow}
mphantom.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt

mfenced = element mfenced {mfenced.attributes, MathExpression*}
mfenced.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute open {text}?,
  attribute close {text}?,
  attribute separators {text}?

menclose = element menclose {menclose.attributes, ImpliedMrow}
menclose.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute notation {text}?

msub = element msub {msub.attributes, MathExpression, MathExpression}
msub.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute subscriptshift {length}?

msup = element msup {msup.attributes, MathExpression, MathExpression}
msup.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute superscriptshift {length}?

msubsup = element msubsup {msubsup.attributes, MathExpression, MathExpression, MathExpression}
msubsup.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute subscriptshift {length}?,
  attribute superscriptshift {length}?

munder = element munder {munder.attributes, MathExpression, MathExpression}
munder.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute accentunder {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute align {"left" | "right" | "center"}?

mover = element mover {mover.attributes, MathExpression, MathExpression}
mover.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute accent {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute align {"left" | "right" | "center"}?

munderover = element munderover {munderover.attributes, MathExpression, MathExpression, MathExpression}
munderover.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute accent {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute accentunder {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute align {"left" | "right" | "center"}?

mmultiscripts = element mmultiscripts {mmultiscripts.attributes, MathExpression,MultiScriptExpression*,(mprescripts,MultiScriptExpression*)?}
mmultiscripts.attributes = 

mtable = element mtable {mtable.attributes, TableRowExpression*}
mtable.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute align {xsd:string {
    pattern ='\s*(top|bottom|center|baseline|axis)(\s+-?[0-9]+)?\s*'}}?,
  attribute rowalign {list {verticalalign+} }?,
  attribute columnalign {list {columnalignstyle+} }?,
  attribute groupalign {group-alignment-list-list}?,
  attribute alignmentscope {list {("true" | "false") +}}?,
  attribute columnwidth {list {("auto" | length | "fit") +}}?,
  attribute width {"auto" | length}?,
  attribute rowspacing {list {(length) +}}?,
  attribute columnspacing {list {(length) +}}?,
  attribute rowlines {list {linestyle +}}?,
  attribute columnlines {list {linestyle +}}?,
  attribute frame {linestyle}?,
  attribute framespacing {list {length, length}}?,
  attribute equalrows {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute equalcolumns {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute displaystyle {"true" | "false"}?,
  attribute side {"left" | "right" | "leftoverlap" | "rightoverlap"}?,
  attribute minlabelspacing {length}?

mlabeledtr = element mlabeledtr {mlabeledtr.attributes, TableCellExpression+}
mlabeledtr.attributes = 

mtr = element mtr {mtr.attributes, TableCellExpression*}
mtr.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute rowalign {"top" | "bottom" | "center" | "baseline" | "axis"}?,
  attribute columnalign {list {columnalignstyle+} }?,
  attribute groupalign {group-alignment-list-list}?

mtd = element mtd {mtd.attributes, ImpliedMrow}
mtd.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute rowspan {positive-integer}?,
  attribute columnspan {positive-integer}?,
  attribute rowalign {"top" | "bottom" | "center" | "baseline" | "axis"}?,
  attribute columnalign {columnalignstyle}?,
  attribute groupalign {group-alignment-list}?

mstack = element mstack {mstack.attributes, MstackExpression*}
mstack.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute align {xsd:string {
    pattern ='\s*(top|bottom|center|baseline|axis)(\s+-?[0-9]+)?\s*'}}?,
  attribute stackalign {"left" | "center" | "right" | "decimalpoint"}?,
  attribute charalign {"left" | "center" | "right"}?,
  attribute charspacing {length | "loose" | "medium" | "tight"}?

mlongdiv = element mlongdiv {mlongdiv.attributes, MstackExpression,MstackExpression,MstackExpression+}
mlongdiv.attributes = 
  attribute longdivstyle {"lefttop" | "stackedrightright" | "mediumstackedrightright" | "shortstackedrightright" |
          "righttop" | "left/\right" | "left)(right" | ":right=right" | "stackedleftleft" |

msgroup = element msgroup {msgroup.attributes, MstackExpression*}
msgroup.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute position {integer}?,
  attribute shift {integer}?

msrow = element msrow {msrow.attributes, MsrowExpression*}
msrow.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute position {integer}?

mscarries = element mscarries {mscarries.attributes, (MsrowExpression|mscarry)*}
mscarries.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute position {integer}?,
  attribute location {"w" | "nw" | "n" | "ne" | "e" | "se" | "s" | "sw"}?,
  attribute crossout {list {("none" | "updiagonalstrike" | "downdiagonalstrike" | "verticalstrike" | "horizontalstrike")*}}?,
  attribute scriptsizemultiplier {number}?

mscarry = element mscarry {mscarry.attributes, MsrowExpression*}
mscarry.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute location {"w" | "nw" | "n" | "ne" | "e" | "se" | "s" | "sw"}?,
  attribute crossout {list {("none" | "updiagonalstrike" | "downdiagonalstrike" | "verticalstrike" | "horizontalstrike")*}}?

maction = element maction {maction.attributes, MathExpression+}
maction.attributes = 
  CommonAtt, CommonPresAtt,
  attribute actiontype {text},
  attribute selection {positive-integer}?

A.2.4 厳格なコンテントMathMLの文法
The Grammar for Strict Content MathML3

厳格なコンテントMathML3の文法は, http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3-strict-content.rncで見ることができます.

The grammar for Strict Content MathML3 can be found at http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3-strict-content.rnc.

#     This is the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 3.0, an XML
#     application for describing mathematical notation and capturing
#     both its structure and content.
(注釈:これは数学用マークアップ言語(MathML) 3.0, 数学表記を説明し,
#     Copyright 1998-2014 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang)
#     Use and distribution of this code are permitted under the terms
#     W3C Software Notice and License
(注釈:このコードの利用や配布は, W3Cのソフトウェア告示とライセンスの下で許可されます.)
#     http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231

default namespace m = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"

ContExp = semantics-contexp | cn | ci | csymbol | apply | bind | share | cerror | cbytes | cs

cn = element cn {cn.attributes,cn.content}
cn.content = text
cn.attributes = CommonAtt, attribute type {"integer" | "real" | "double" | "hexdouble"}

semantics-ci = element semantics {semantics.attributes,(ci|semantics-ci), 

semantics-contexp = element semantics {semantics.attributes,ContExp, 

ci = element ci {ci.attributes, ci.content}
ci.attributes = CommonAtt, ci.type?
ci.type = attribute type {"integer" | "rational" | "real" | "complex" | "complex-polar" | "complex-cartesian" |
          "constant" | "function" | "vector" | "list" | "set" | "matrix"}
ci.content = text

csymbol = element csymbol {csymbol.attributes,csymbol.content}

SymbolName = xsd:NCName
csymbol.attributes = CommonAtt, cd
csymbol.content = SymbolName

BvarQ = bvar*
bvar = element bvar {CommonAtt, (ci | semantics-ci)}

apply = element apply {CommonAtt,apply.content}
apply.content = ContExp+

bind = element bind {CommonAtt,bind.content}
bind.content = ContExp,bvar*,ContExp

share = element share {CommonAtt, src, empty}

cerror = element cerror {cerror.attributes, csymbol, ContExp*}
cerror.attributes = CommonAtt

cbytes = element cbytes {cbytes.attributes, base64}
cbytes.attributes = CommonAtt
base64 = xsd:base64Binary

cs = element cs {cs.attributes, text}
cs.attributes = CommonAtt

MathExpression |= ContExp

A.2.5 コンテントMathMLの文法
The Grammar for Content MathML

コンテントMathML3の文法は, 厳格なコンテントMathMLの文法から形成されており, http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3-content.rncで見ることができます.

The grammar for Content MathML3 builds on the grammar for the Strict Content MathML subset, and can be found at http://www.w3.org/Math/RelaxNG/mathml3/mathml3-content.rnc.

#     This is the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) 3.0, an XML
#     application for describing mathematical notation and capturing
#     both its structure and content.
(注釈:これは数学用マークアップ言語(MathML) 3.0, 数学表記を説明し,
#     Copyright 1998-2014 W3C (MIT, ERCIM, Keio, Beihang)
#     Use and distribution of this code are permitted under the terms
#     W3C Software Notice and License
(注釈:このコードの利用や配布は, W3Cのソフトウェア告示とライセンスの下で許可されます.)
#     http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2002/copyright-software-20021231

include "mathml3-strict-content.rnc"{
  cn.content = (text | mglyph | sep | PresentationExpression)* 
  cn.attributes = CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, attribute type {text}?, base?

  ci.attributes = CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, ci.type?
  ci.type = attribute type {text}
  ci.content = (text | mglyph | PresentationExpression)* 

  csymbol.attributes = CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, attribute type {text}?,cd?
  csymbol.content = (text | mglyph | PresentationExpression)* 

  bvar = element bvar {CommonAtt, ((ci | semantics-ci) & degree?)}

  cbytes.attributes = CommonAtt, DefEncAtt

  cs.attributes = CommonAtt, DefEncAtt

  apply.content = ContExp+ | (ContExp, BvarQ, Qualifier*, ContExp*)

  bind.content = apply.content

base = attribute base {text}

sep = element sep {empty}
PresentationExpression |= notAllowed

DomainQ = (domainofapplication|condition|interval|(lowlimit,uplimit?))*
domainofapplication = element domainofapplication {ContExp}
condition = element condition {ContExp}
uplimit = element uplimit {ContExp}
lowlimit = element lowlimit {ContExp}

Qualifier = DomainQ|degree|momentabout|logbase
degree = element degree {ContExp}
momentabout = element momentabout {ContExp}
logbase = element logbase {ContExp}

type = attribute type {text}
order = attribute order {"numeric" | "lexicographic"}
closure = attribute closure {text}

ContExp |= piecewise

piecewise = element piecewise {CommonAtt, DefEncAtt,(piece* & otherwise?)}

piece = element piece {CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, ContExp, ContExp}

otherwise = element otherwise {CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, ContExp}

DeprecatedContExp = reln | fn | declare
ContExp |= DeprecatedContExp

reln = element reln {ContExp*}
fn = element fn {ContExp}
declare = element declare {attribute type {xsd:string}?,
                           attribute scope {xsd:string}?,
                           attribute nargs {xsd:nonNegativeInteger}?,
                           attribute occurrence {"prefix"|"infix"|"function-model"}?,

interval.class = interval
ContExp |= interval.class

interval = element interval { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt,closure?, ContExp,ContExp}

unary-functional.class = inverse | ident | domain | codomain | image | ln | log | moment
ContExp |= unary-functional.class

inverse = element inverse { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
ident = element ident { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
domain = element domain { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
codomain = element codomain { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
image = element image { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
ln = element ln { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
log = element log { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
moment = element moment { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

lambda.class = lambda
ContExp |= lambda.class

lambda = element lambda { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, BvarQ, DomainQ, ContExp}

nary-functional.class = compose
ContExp |= nary-functional.class

compose = element compose { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

binary-arith.class = quotient | divide | minus | power | rem | root
ContExp |= binary-arith.class

quotient = element quotient { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
divide = element divide { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
minus = element minus { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
power = element power { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
rem = element rem { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
root = element root { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

unary-arith.class = factorial | minus | root | abs | conjugate | arg | real | imaginary | floor | ceiling | exp
ContExp |= unary-arith.class

factorial = element factorial { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
abs = element abs { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
conjugate = element conjugate { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
arg = element arg { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
real = element real { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
imaginary = element imaginary { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
floor = element floor { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
ceiling = element ceiling { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
exp = element exp { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

nary-minmax.class = max | min
ContExp |= nary-minmax.class

max = element max { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
min = element min { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

nary-arith.class = plus | times | gcd | lcm
ContExp |= nary-arith.class

plus = element plus { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
times = element times { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
gcd = element gcd { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
lcm = element lcm { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

nary-logical.class = and | or | xor
ContExp |= nary-logical.class

and = element and { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
or = element or { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
xor = element xor { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

unary-logical.class = not
ContExp |= unary-logical.class

not = element not { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

binary-logical.class = implies | equivalent
ContExp |= binary-logical.class

implies = element implies { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
equivalent = element equivalent { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

quantifier.class = forall | exists
ContExp |= quantifier.class

forall = element forall { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
exists = element exists { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

nary-reln.class = eq | gt | lt | geq | leq
ContExp |= nary-reln.class

eq = element eq { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
gt = element gt { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
lt = element lt { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
geq = element geq { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
leq = element leq { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

binary-reln.class = neq | approx | factorof | tendsto
ContExp |= binary-reln.class

neq = element neq { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
approx = element approx { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
factorof = element factorof { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
tendsto = element tendsto { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, type?, empty}

int.class = int
ContExp |= int.class

int = element int { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

Differential-Operator.class = diff
ContExp |= Differential-Operator.class

diff = element diff { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

partialdiff.class = partialdiff
ContExp |= partialdiff.class

partialdiff = element partialdiff { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

unary-veccalc.class = divergence | grad | curl | laplacian
ContExp |= unary-veccalc.class

divergence = element divergence { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
grad = element grad { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
curl = element curl { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
laplacian = element laplacian { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

nary-setlist-constructor.class = set | \list
ContExp |= nary-setlist-constructor.class

set = element set { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, type?, BvarQ*, DomainQ*, ContExp*}
\list = element \list { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, order?, BvarQ*, DomainQ*, ContExp*}

nary-set.class = union | intersect | cartesianproduct
ContExp |= nary-set.class

union = element union { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
intersect = element intersect { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
cartesianproduct = element cartesianproduct { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

binary-set.class = in | notin | notsubset | notprsubset | setdiff
ContExp |= binary-set.class

in = element in { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
notin = element notin { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
notsubset = element notsubset { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
notprsubset = element notprsubset { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
setdiff = element setdiff { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

nary-set-reln.class = subset | prsubset
ContExp |= nary-set-reln.class

subset = element subset { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
prsubset = element prsubset { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

unary-set.class = card
ContExp |= unary-set.class

card = element card { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

sum.class = sum
ContExp |= sum.class

sum = element sum { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

product.class = product
ContExp |= product.class

product = element product { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

limit.class = limit
ContExp |= limit.class

limit = element limit { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

unary-elementary.class = sin | cos | tan | sec | csc | cot | sinh | cosh | tanh | sech | csch | coth | arcsin | arccos | arctan | arccosh | arccot | arccoth | arccsc | arccsch | arcsec | arcsech | arcsinh | arctanh
ContExp |= unary-elementary.class

sin = element sin { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
cos = element cos { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
tan = element tan { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
sec = element sec { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
csc = element csc { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
cot = element cot { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
sinh = element sinh { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
cosh = element cosh { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
tanh = element tanh { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
sech = element sech { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
csch = element csch { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
coth = element coth { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
arcsin = element arcsin { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
arccos = element arccos { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
arctan = element arctan { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
arccosh = element arccosh { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
arccot = element arccot { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
arccoth = element arccoth { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
arccsc = element arccsc { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
arccsch = element arccsch { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
arcsec = element arcsec { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
arcsech = element arcsech { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
arcsinh = element arcsinh { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
arctanh = element arctanh { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

nary-stats.class = mean | sdev | variance | median | mode
ContExp |= nary-stats.class

mean = element mean { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
sdev = element sdev { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
variance = element variance { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
median = element median { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
mode = element mode { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

nary-constructor.class = vector | matrix | matrixrow
ContExp |= nary-constructor.class

vector = element vector { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, BvarQ, DomainQ, ContExp*}
matrix = element matrix { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, BvarQ, DomainQ, ContExp*}
matrixrow = element matrixrow { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, BvarQ, DomainQ, ContExp*}

unary-linalg.class = determinant | transpose
ContExp |= unary-linalg.class

determinant = element determinant { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
transpose = element transpose { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

nary-linalg.class = selector
ContExp |= nary-linalg.class

selector = element selector { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

binary-linalg.class = vectorproduct | scalarproduct | outerproduct
ContExp |= binary-linalg.class

vectorproduct = element vectorproduct { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
scalarproduct = element scalarproduct { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
outerproduct = element outerproduct { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

constant-set.class = integers | reals | rationals | naturalnumbers | complexes | primes | emptyset
ContExp |= constant-set.class

integers = element integers { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
reals = element reals { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
rationals = element rationals { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
naturalnumbers = element naturalnumbers { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
complexes = element complexes { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
primes = element primes { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
emptyset = element emptyset { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

constant-arith.class = exponentiale | imaginaryi | notanumber | true | false | pi | eulergamma | infinity
ContExp |= constant-arith.class

exponentiale = element exponentiale { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
imaginaryi = element imaginaryi { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
notanumber = element notanumber { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
true = element true { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
false = element false { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
pi = element pi { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
eulergamma = element eulergamma { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}
infinity = element infinity { CommonAtt, DefEncAtt, empty}

A.2.6 RelaxNGスキーマにおける部品としてのMathML
MathML as a module in a RelaxNG Schema

通常, MathMLの式は, 完全なXML文書を構成しません. MathMLは, 大きなマークアップ言語の中の数学の部分として使われるように設計されています. 特に, XHTMLに関係するマークアップ言語と一緒に記述される文書の中で, 部品として使われるように設計されています. RelaxNGは直接, 部品の開発に対応しており, その利用は通常とても簡単です. XHTML+MathMLスキーマは, 単純に次のように指定されます.

Normally, a MathML expression does not constitute an entire XML document. MathML is designed to be used as the mathematics fragment of larger markup languages. In particular it is designed to be used as a module in documents marked up with the XHTML family of markup languages. As RelaxNG directly supports modular development, this is usually very easy: an XHTML+MathML schema can be specified as simply as

# A RelaxNG Schema for  XHTML+MathML
include "xhtml.rnc"
math = external "mathml3.rnc"
Inline.class |= math
Block.class |= math

この構文はXHTMLにおける, 行の一部である要素と領域要素に対する中身の部品を種類ごとに構成するInline.classBlock.classを利用するRelaxNGスキーマの部分を利用できることを想定しています.

assuming that we have access to a modular RelaxNG schema for XHTML that uses Inline.class and Block.class to collect the the content models for inline and block-level elements.

annotation-xml要素の内容を限定できるようMathML3スキーマを変更することは, 同じように単純で, 例えば, 次のようにです.

Customizing the MathML3 schema so that we can restrict the content of annotation-xml elements is similarly simple, for example:

# A RelaxNG Schema for MathML with OpenMath3 annotations
omobj = external "openmath3.rnc" 
include "mathml3.rnc" {anotation-xml.model = omobj}

MathML3スキーマは体系づけられているので, ここで指定された派生した言語の一部を決定することは簡単です. スキーマに厳格なコンテントMathML3を含めるには, include mathml3.rncの代わりに, 単に次のようにします.

The MathML3 schema is organized so that subsetting to one of the sublanguages specified here is easy. To include strict content MathML3 in a schema just include

include "mathml3-common.rnc"
include "mathml3-strict-content.rnc"

instead of include mathml3.rnc.

RelaxNGの文法と部品化の詳細については詳しくは, [RELAX-NG]または[RelaxNGBook]を参照して下さい.

For details about RelaxNG grammars and modularization see [RELAX-NG] or [RelaxNGBook].

A.3 MathML DTDの利用
Using the MathML DTD

A.3.1 文書の有効性の問題
Document Validation Issues

名前空間の接頭辞の利用は, MathMLを埋め込んでいる文書のDTDの検証に対し, 問題を生じさせます. DTDの検証は, 文書の中の要素の名前の(頭に付けられたであろう)文字列を知っていることが必要です. しかしながら, XML勧告の名前空間 [名前空間]は, 名前空間の接頭辞がどの要素でも宣言できるように, 文書の任意の場所で接頭辞を変えることを認めています.

The use of namespace prefixes creates an issue for DTD validation of documents embedding MathML. DTD validation requires knowing the literal (possibly prefixed) element names used in the document. However, the Namespaces in XML Recommendation [Namespaces] allows the prefix to be changed at arbitrary points in the document, since namespace prefixes may be declared on any element.

MathML DTDは, DTDの中にある全ての要素の名前を実体参照で参照するという[モジュール化]で要素を述べる戦略を使用しています. このことは, DTDが読み込まれる前に, 接頭辞を指定する実体の組を宣言することによって, 接頭辞を文書の著者が選べることを意味します. また, 様々な部品を含む複合したDTDが, DTDの部品を変えることなく, 衝突を避けるように各部品に固有の接頭辞を指定することを意味します.

The MathML DTD uses the strategy outlined in [Modularization] of making every element name in the DTD be accessed by an entity reference. This means that by declaring a couple of entities to specify the prefix before the DTD is loaded, the prefix can be chosen by a document author, and compound DTDs that include several modules can, without changing the module DTDs, specify unique prefixes for each module to avoid clashes.

A.3.2 MathML DTDでの属性値
Attribute values in the MathML DTD

DTDは, RelaxNGスキーマよりはるかに寛大で, 属性値の多くの制限がDTD構文を用いて強制できないことに注意して下さい. 例えば, 多くの属性は, 数値または特定の構文を期待していますが, DTDではCDATA(任意の文字列)として宣言することしかできません. ただし, DTDで必要なことを強制できないことは, その必要なことがMathML言語自体の一部でないことや, 特定のMathML描画ソフトウェアによって強制されないであろうことを意味する訳ではありません. (MathML描画ソフトウェアがMathMLエラーにどう対処すべきかの説明については, 第2.3.2節 エラーの扱いを参照して下さい.)

Note that the DTD is far more permissive than the Relax NG schema, many constraints on attribute values may not be enforced using DTD syntax. For example, many attributes expect numerical values or specific micro-syntax, but are declared as CDATA (arbitrary string) in the DTD. However, lack of enforcement of a requirement in the DTD does not imply that the requirement is not part of the MathML language itself, or that it will not be enforced by a particular MathML renderer. (See Section 2.3.2 Handling of Errors for a description of how MathML renderers should respond to MathML errors.)

その上で, MathML DTDは便利さのために提供されています. 仕様書の文章と完全に互換性があることを意図しているにも関わらず, 矛盾があるかもしれないことが決定的であると受け取るべきです. (この文書の様々な章の間で存在するかもしれない矛盾は, まず, 第7章 文字, 実体, 書式を優先し, 第3章 プレゼンテーションマークアップ, 第4章 コンテントマークアップ, 第2.1節 MathML構文と文法, この文書の他の部分の順に優先していくことで解決されるべきです.

Furthermore, the MathML DTD is provided for convenience; although it is intended to be fully compatible with the text of the specification, the text should be taken as definitive if there is a contradiction. (Any contradictions which may exist between various chapters of the text should be resolved by favoring Chapter 7 Characters, Entities and Fonts first, then Chapter 3 Presentation Markup, Chapter 4 Content Markup, then Section 2.1 MathML Syntax and Grammar, and then other parts of the text.)

A.3.3 MathMLのDOCTYPE宣言
DOCTYPE declaration for MathML

MathML文書は, MathMLのXML DTD, http://www.w3.org/Math/DTD/mathml3/mathml3.dtdを利用して処理されるべきです.

MathML documents should be validated using the XML DTD for MathML, http://www.w3.org/Math/DTD/mathml3/mathml3.dtd.

DTDを使用する文書は, 次の形式のDOCTYPE宣言を含むべきです.

Documents using this DTD should contain a DOCTYPE declaration of the form:

<!DOCTYPE math 
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD MathML 3.0//EN"

上のURIは, 必要に応じてDTDのローカル環境のコピーに変更されるでしょう.

The URI may be changed to that of a local copy of the DTD if required.

A.4 MathML XMLスキーマの利用
Using the MathML XML Schema

MathMLデータは, http://www.w3.org/Math/XMLSchema/mathml3/mathml3.xsdに置かれている, MathMLのXMLスキーマを利用して検証できます. 提供されるスキーマは, RelaxNGスキーマから機械的に生成されたもので, XSD構文の利用では強制できない制限をいくつか省略しています.

MathML fragments can be validated using the XML Schema for MathML, located at http://www.w3.org/Math/XMLSchema/mathml3/mathml3.xsd. The provided schema has been mechanically generated from the Relax NG schema, it omits some constraints that can not be enforced using XSD syntax.

A.4.1 MathMLデータにMathMLスキーマを結び付ける
Associating the MathML schema with MathML fragments

文書の中で利用されるDOCTYPE宣言と同様に, MathMLデータにXMLスキーマを下に示すようにリンクすることができます.

Similarly to the DOCTYPE declaration used in documents, it is possible to link a MathML fragment to the XML Schema, as shown below.

<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"

xsi:schemaLocation属性は, XMLスキーマインスタンス名前空間に属しています. 属性値はURIの組です. 1つ目がMathML名前空間URIで, 2つ目がその名前空間に対するスキーマの場所です. 2つ目のURIは, 必要に応じてローカル環境のコピーに変更されるでしょう.

The xsi:schemaLocation attribute belongs to the XML Schema instance namespace, defined in [XMLSchemas]. The value of the attribute is a pair of URIs: the first is the MathML namespace URI and the second is the location of the schema for that namespace. The second URI may be changed to that of a local copy if required.

XMLスキーマ仕様書が示すように, schemaLocation属性の利用は, スキーマ処理ソフトウェアへの助言を与えているのみです. MathMLに配慮した処理プログラムによる検証は, schemaLocation属性が実際のデータで宣言されていることを必要とせずに動作します. さらに, 処理プログラムは, 割当てられているならば, 指定されたスキーマのURLを無視したり上書きしたりできます.

As the XML Schema specification indicates, the use of the schemaLocation attribute is only a hint for schema processors: validation by a MathML-aware processor can be performed without requiring that the schemaLocation attribute be declared in the instance. Moreover, a processor can even ignore or override the specified schema URI, if it is directed to.

A.5 XHTMLでのMathMLの処理
Parsing MathML in XHTML

第6.4.1節 MathMLとXHTMLの混在で注意したように, XHTML+MathML文書で利用されるスキーマは, mtextでの内容モデルを行の一部である(と表現される)html要素を認めるように拡張しています. W3C検証ツールによって使用されている拡張は, RelaxNGスキーマを利用していますが, 文法のDTD版やXSD版も同じように拡張されるでしょう.

As noted in Section 6.4.1 Mixing MathML and XHTML The schema used for XHTML+MathML documents extends the content model of mtext to allow inline (phrasing) html elements. The extension used by the W3C validator uses the RelaxNG schema, however DTD and XSD versions of the grammar may be similarly extended.

A.6 HTMLでのMathMLの処理
Parsing MathML in HTML

HTMLでのMathMLの処理のより詳細については, 第6.4.3節 MathMLとHTMLの混在を参照して下さい.

See Section 6.4.3 Mixing MathML and HTML for more details of the parsing of MathML in HTML.

概要: 数学用マークアップ言語 (MathML) ヴァージョン 3.0 第2版
Overview: Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) Version 3.0 2nd Edition
前へ: 7 文字, 実体, 書式
Previous: 7 Characters, Entities and Fonts
次へ: B メディアタイプの登録
Next: B Media Types Registrations